Our business is very feminine – Creating an Eyelash Extension Brand!

Lush and thick eyelashes, which also do not need to be tinted, are the dream of many women. After all, such eyelashes frame the eyes very beautifully, make the look expressive. A similar effect can be achieved with eyelash extensions. This procedure is performed by the lash master. And all lash masters need quality products.

Aurora Lashes Pro – a lash manufacturing company that creates products for eyelash extension, our clients are craftsmen, studios, beauty salons, and specialty stores. We are actively involved in the development of quality eyelashes. We allow you to get quality products in bulk at cheap rates here to start your own lash brand.

Here we are discussing all the main points of how to start an eyelash extension business from scratch, what is needed for this, and where to start.

Opening a brand for eyelash extension is a low-cost business that does not require large and expensive equipment purchases, premises rent, etc. At the same time, profits can grow quite quickly. A small business on eyelashes begins with obtaining the necessary qualifications, followed by a small practice on relatives, and friends. And only then you can safely start making money on it.


It is necessary to register your activities with local tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur. Secondly, you need to purchase material:

·   Eyelashes for extension: beam, single, and colored.

·   Tweezers: straight-edged and slightly bent.

·   Eyelash brush and comb, and many more


Naturally, when a master works, he accepts clients himself. In the event that the office will turn into a studio, you can think about attracting other employees. But at the start, it is better to do eyelash extension yourself. It is more profitable and convenient.

Advertising and marketing

To fight competition, it is important:

·  Constantly practice and improve your qualifications.

·  Run an active advertising campaign.

·  Form a base of regular customers.


It is important to be unique in comparison to the competition, which is difficult. Use only high-quality materials from the trusted eyelash manufacturer, do build-up and correction quickly, provide a comfortable environment, and individually approach each client.


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