Which material is better to choose: silk, mink, or sable?
In appearance, artificial eyelashes are very similar to real eyelashes: the hair becomes thinner towards the end. Mink, silk, and sable are the names of eyelashes that differ in thickness. They do not belong to real silk and animal fur.
For the manufacture of artificial eyelashes, a synthetic
material with hypoallergenic properties is used. The master will help you
decide on the choice of the most optimal material for eyelash extension.
Mink eyelashes
Mink - eyelashes with a thickness of 0.03-0.1 mm. Their
advantages are softness, flexibility, comfort to wear. Monofilament is used to
make mink cilia. Such eyelashes are used for classic extensions, as they look
beautiful and natural.
Mink cilia in appearance resemble mink wool. When making
hairs from these materials, special components are added, due to which the
effect of a matte surface is achieved. Mink is a material with a distinctive
feature that includes a long-wearing period.
Silk eyelashes
"Silk" cilia have a thickness of 0.1-0.15 mm. They
are shiny, thicker than the previous ones, so their rigidity is higher. At the
request of a woman, a master can increase her own cilia length using silk
threads up to one and a half cm.
Such material is chosen by those women who want to make their
look bright and expressive, and the eyelashes - thick and black. Silk threads
build up over time. As a result, a woman gets the effect of a natural
expressive gaze.
Sable eyelashes
"Sable" cilia have a maximum thickness which is 0.2
mm. Hence, they carry the most weight. This option is used by those clients who
have healthy and strong own eyelashes.
Such artificial eyelashes are not suitable for everyday wear
- they are used only for any important event. After that, after a week, it is
recommended to grow softer material - for example, a mink.
Get Quality Lashes from
Aurora Lashes Pro!
If you have a professional eyelash extension business, then we
recommend that you not be too distracted by the names, but focus on the quality
lashes offered by the leading manufacturer. At Aurora Lashes Pro, you can buy
high-quality faux mink lashes wholesales.
Remember that only with quality lashes from trusted manufacturers
you will achieve amazing results and natural effect.
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