Eyelash Extensions: 4 Best Methods to Get Long, Thick Lashes
If all women have one thing in common, then it is the dream of full, thick, and above all, long eyelashes. They give expression to our eyes and are the epitome of femininity. That's why we're ready to do a lot for long eyelashes: from eyelash extensions to eyelash lifting to lengthening serums - we have put together the best methods for eyelash extensions for you.
1. Eyelash extensions with eyelash extensions
An eyelash extension trend that is becoming more and more
popular: Many women are now tricking with lash extensions to get long, thick
eyelashes. With professional eyelash extensions, artificial hairs are glued
onto your own eyelashes, making the eyes look bigger.
That's how it's done:
So that only the upper lash line is caught when sticking, the
lower lashes are first masked with a pad. Then the upper eyelid is fixed and
the eyelashes are degreased so that the glue holds better. The beautician then
uses tweezers to attach each individual artificial eyelash to your natural
The advantage of eyelash extensions:
The mascara can you save with these eyelash extensions: Your
look interacts with eyelash extensions always awake - even shortly after waking
2. Eyelash extensions with fake lashes
Long eyelashes for a day: By using fake lashes, you can
lengthen your eyelashes quickly and easily - and get a great look in no time at
all. Here, too, as with eyelash extensions with extensions, you have to make
sure that the result does not look unnatural: You achieve the most beautiful
effects with the individual, not too long tufts of eyelashes.
3. Eyelash lifting
The so-called "Lash Lifting" gets the most out of
your natural eyelashes. With this method of eyelash extension, the eyelashes
are lifted, fixed, and colored. The result: longer, more voluminous lashes with
a dramatic curve.
4. Natural methods for
eyelash extensions: oils
If you like it more natural, you can also use oils that
stimulate eyelash growth. Castor oil is best known for providing hair
thickening. But olive, almond, lavender, and coconut oils can also lengthen
your eyelashes.
Start Your Own Lash
Brand with Aurora Lashes Pro!
If you are one of those who always dreamed of having their
own lash brand, then Aurora Lashes Pro is the best eyelashes supplier for you. We
produce top-quality eyelash extensions in bulk and supply them all over the
world with a private logo.
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